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A Note to All Mamas

What? It’s already the last week of February?! I’m not going to lie: trying to get anything done so far this year feels as futile as trying to keep our driveway clear with these relentless snowstorms in Massachusetts this winter! Not only have we been hit with over 6 feet of snow to dig out of, but I’ve also been navigating through back-to-back sicknesses (for both myself and my 8-month old son), and still trying to figure out this still-newish-to-me life as a mom, wife, part-time entrepreneur, and part-time homemaker.

I’d love to be writing to you today to talk about the February Healthy Habit that I’ve been mastering so far all month long, but that’s just not the case. As they say: The best laid plans often go astray! But instead of constantly beating myself up for being behind on things I’d hoped to accomplish, and for not taking the time to focus on a new healthy habit for the month, I have chosen to go easy on myself.

It seems that somewhere in the unwritten rules of becoming a mother, there is a clause that says you need to constantly have your plate full (or over-flowing), and you need to feel inadequate once you don’t perfectly finish and address all of those items on that full plate (which you will never do). I don’t think there’s a single mom that I’ve talked with that feels like there is enough time in a day and that they’re being perfectly accomplished in all of the areas of their life that they want to be. Personally, I think this is a really unfortunate fact of the matter, and I want to do everything in my power to change it.

Us moms are REALLY hard on ourselves. And what’s more is that we’re even harder on each other! I’m not sure what the driver is, but there is the constant debate between “working moms” and “stay-at-home” moms (which are also “working” moms, if you ask me!), and there is a frequent nagging of general inadequacy.

Well I’m here to say this to all of the moms out there:

You are incredible and you work unimaginably hard every day, no matter what you are focusing your time and energy on. Your mind is always split thinking about a million different things, and your heart is bursting with love and concern for all of your loved ones. Even if it might not feel like it all of the time, you are always doing your very best and giving your all. You are impressive and courageous, and as the person you are right now, today, you are enough and you are loved and appreciated. You don’t need to be more, do more, have more. Go easy on yourself and take time to care for yourself. Don’t listen to what others are telling you that you need or that you think you should do or be. Instead, tune into your body and listen to what it really, truly needs, and give it that. Be kind and support others; you never know what they have going on in their lives. And lastly, remember this, one of my favorite quotes:

“Be nice to yourself- it’s hard to be happy when someone’s mean to you all the time!”

- Christine Arylo

Mama, you rock, and I am so proud of you. Put a big smile on your face and keep doing what you’re doing, because it’s great! (Tweet it!)

I’d love for you to share this blog message with all of the Mama’s in your life- and make sure to include a personal note of how much you love and appreciate them and all that they do!

With smiles,


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