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Thought Tweak: You're Scheduling Your Days All Wrong

Happy Back to School!

In honor of the craziness that comes with getting everyone back on a “school schedule” after a nice lazy summer vacation, this week’s Thought Tweak is about scheduling/planning your day.

For the purpose of this blog post, I’ve identified two different types of “to-do’s”:

  • HAVE to-do’s: These are things that you feel like you should do, things that other people are requiring of you, chores, errands, and other tasks that you don’t typically enjoy, or that you wouldn’t choose to do if you had a choice

  • WANT to-do’s: These are things that make you happy, that you are excited about and that you would choose to do for yourself or others if you could build your ideal daya couple of things that they should do, and maybe even a few things that they woul

Most people plan their day by first focusing on the things that they have to get done that day. Then, after (hopefully)if they find themselves with any extra time after accomplishing these have to do’s, they will sprinkle in one or two things that they want to do.

This Week’s Thought Tweak:

Instead of planning your day by first focusing on what you HAVE to get done, first focus on what you WANT to do.

Why is this so important?

We only have 24 hours in a day. If we keep with the traditional planning mentality of focusing on everything we have to get done first, then we rarely ever find or make the time for the things that we personally want to do. This mentality leads us to believe that we don’t have time to do what we want on most days. What kind of life is that?

But here’s the kicker: It’s not that we don’t have the time for the things that we want to do. We all have the time; we just aren’t making ourselves and our happiness the priority.

When you focus your day on things that you have to do, you’ll tend to take a lot longer to get these things done, since there is no positive energy driving you to complete them. Even if you do finish those have to-do’s, you'll likely move on to even more things that you feel you have to do, before you ultimately run out of time.

On the flip side, when you plan your day around what you want to do, you'll be much more excited and driven to get through some of the things that you have to do, knowing that you’re paving the way for the things that really light your fire in your life.

Now it’s action time: How do you plan your days? Do you focus first on things that you have to do or things you want to do? If this is a new concept to you, give this new planning method a try and let me know what you thought! Share in the comments below.

With Smiles,


P.S. If you’re in the Merrimack Valley area and are a new mom, pregnant, or hoping to be expecting soon, I’d love for you to join us for my “Loving Your Changing Body” workshop on Sept. 29th at Acelleron Maternal Health & Wellness. You can find out more about the workshop and register HERE.

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