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Having Fun Can Make You Live Longer

When is the last time you've had this much fun??

I know I’m not the only person that was more than happy to flip the calendar over to March a few days ago. Even if you live in a warm climate, the promise of Springtime being right around the corner is exciting and encouraging for everyone. March is also my birthday month! So for March’s Healthy Habit, I’ve decided it’s the perfect month to focus on incorporating FUN into my daily routine.

You may be thinking: “How does incorporating fun into your day make you healthy?”

I want you to take a second to think of a few times over the past couple of months that you had some real fun. Now think about your state of mind at those times. Were you stressed out? Were you anxious? Were you fixated on what you were going to eat for your next meal? My guess would be: Probably not. Instead, you were likely completely involved in what you were doing, and you might have even forgot about all of the other things going on in your life, let go of the stressors temporarily, and even lost track of time! So guess what? That fun activity you were doing- it was helping relieve your stress and in turn helping make you healthier!

The Huffington Post had a great article last week about the epidemic of Busyness being rampant in today’s world. If you haven’t read it- take a look with this link.

Well, the perfect antidote to Busyness is Fun! I know some of you may be thinking: So my days are jam-packed with stuff already because I’m so busy, and I’m supposed to add something else in (the fun)? How the heck is that supposed to help with my Busyness?!

First of all, adding something fun into your day doesn’t have to be very time consuming. You can easily just alter the way that you do something you are already doing to make it more fun (for example, I’ve found that no matter what chores I’m doing, if I blast some of my favorite music and dance around while doing it, all of a sudden I’m having fun and getting my chores done at the same time). Second, It’s all about prioritizing. Once you realize how incredible you feel by incorporating fun into your day, you’ll notice that it will actually help you be more productive and have more energy to make sure and complete everything else that you need to get done that day. So you see, adding in just a little time for some fun every day will actually make your days more efficient and less stressful! And less stress = less illnesses = living a longer, happier life!

There is one other thing that I want to leave you with today as you consider adding more fun into your daily life. As I’m raising a (rapidly!) growing baby boy, I’ve found myself realizing that pretty much his entire day is focused around play and fun. I spend all of my time with him trying to keep (or get) him smiling, laughing, and enjoying himself. So I’ve been thinking, just because as we get older we start to have more responsibilities, why have we decided that taking on these responsibilities means that we need to stop focusing so much on playing and having fun? I’m thinking that we’ve got it all wrong, and I think its time to do something about it! Keep an eye out this month on my blog, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (@KimberlyHoye – you can follow me by clicking the links below this post). I’ll be posting some ideas for you and things I’m doing to focus on this March Healthy Habit! (#HealthyHabitsfor15)

What are you going to do for FUN today? Let me know in the comments below! And if you know someone who needs a little more fun in their life- I’d love for you to pass along this post!

With Smiles,


P.S. Making your life more fun and enjoyable is one of the “Primary Food” concepts that I focus a lot on with my clients. If you’re interested in learning more, I’d love to do a free consultation session with you: Sign-up here!

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