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Stop Letting Food Get in Your Way!


Happy Day-After-Easter! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.

I want you to take a moment now to think about your Easter celebration (and if you don’t celebrate Easter, then any recent holiday celebration that you’ve had!). If you’re anything like me, then it involved some sort of big family meal (we had a big family brunch with my side of the family, THEN a big family dinner with my husband’s side!).

So, how was your day? Were you able to completely focus on the people around you, the events of the day, the time together and do the things that you wanted to do? Or were you overcome with thoughts about how many Cadbury Crème eggs you’d eaten, how full you were from the massive dinner you just inhaled, or the dessert table that was calling your name but was “off-limits” according to your latest diet plan?

If your experience was more like the latter, then I totally know what you were feeling: I’ve been there. I’ve completely missed out on the fun and celebration of many holidays; not being able to focus on the special time with the people I love, because instead my mind is being overcome by thoughts about the food (should I eat that or not, what have I eaten so far, I wish I didn’t eat that, I am so overly stuffed, is that okay to eat, etc.), or the exercise that I wasn’t able to get in that day. What a major bummer, right?

It's time for you to stop letting food get in the way of enjoying your life!

For me this year, our Easter celebration was fantastic. It was my son’s first Easter, and we got to celebrate by spending time with almost all of our immediate family, and watching our little guy “participate” in Easter egg hunts with his cousins. I was able to relish in the way that my family excitedly greeted my little guy (“Oh, he’s getting so big!”), watch him squeal with delight over the Easter egg his cousin shared with him, and truly enjoy a few decadent Easter sweets without regret or even giving it a second thought. It was something that years ago, when I was stuck in the minefield of trying to be healthy while doing all of the wrong things, I would have thought I’d never be able to do. And now it’s my amazing reality.

I would love for everyone to be able to have this freedom and enjoyment in their life. No more wasting your time, energy, or mind-space with thoughts about food, exercise, and diets. If you’re ready to make yesterday your last holiday ruined by your battles with food, then schedule a free exploration session with me! I can't wait to help you conquer this.

So now I want to hear from you: What was your Easter celebration like yesterday? Were you able to enjoy a few of your favorite sweets without guilt or regret? What’s your absolute favorite Easter treat? (Mine is Cadbury mini-eggs, hands down!) Share with me in the comments below!

With Smiles,


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