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Starting 2015 off with a BANG at the hospital

My family taking advantage of the New England winter weather and changing up how we get in our exercise!

Happy New Year! I know, I know…I'm a little late- its already almost February! Unfortunately, this year started out with a bang and I found my little family spending two nights at a hospital just as the year was kicking off. Thankfully, everyone is all better now and we are finally back to our regular routine.

I will say that as crummy as it was to have to spend some time at the hospital, it was definitely an eye-opener and reality check. As everyone else was starting to implement their New Year Resolutions, I was getting a serious reminder about how important it is to be healthy. Now, more than ever before, I'm dedicated to making this year as healthy as possible for myself and my family. I look forward to sharing with you about my journey!

The first thing that I've decided to do this year is integrate a new Healthy Habit for each month in 2015. For each month of the year, I'm going to commit to working on one specific healthy habit for that full month. I'd love it if you want to join me! I'll post updates and related articles on instagram, Facebook, and this blog- so be sure that you're following me and the hashtag #HealthyHabitsfor15. January's healthy habit is: Drink more water. Stay tuned to learn more about why this habit is so important, but in the meantime: Go get a glass and drink up!

With Smiles,


P.S. The Health & Happiness Holiday Challenge was a huge success! If you participated at all, then I'd love to hear what you thought about it! If you have anything that you'd like to share -whether you liked or disliked the Challenge, any recommendations for me, or any thoughts on how it impacted your November/December, I'd love to hear them! Just click here to send me a note!

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